Cities Skylines: BIG Coastal City Tour

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Re-Uploaded showcase video of my older city “Wendover” which is beautifully placed at the coastal map ‘blade island’.


Watch beautiful shots of this city at my instagram:

Music credits:

#CitiesSkylines #LetsPlay #citiesskylinesgame


Jon says:

pas fan du graphisme. les 18 premières sec, on dirait SC4… trop carré. mais je salue le travail.

ItzRenzo says:

I accidentaly started singing to this song..

specteX says:

Those grids man uhggg ugly ashell

0:16 uff transition between urban and country side (just a straight line) ufff

nicolas alves says:

This video made me download cities again

MIM says:

@2:14 why is there a cruise ship in a man made lake?

Cale Sylvester says:

Wow, I'm mind blown. That city is amazing

Yonatan Aditya says:

what is your PC spec?

Hudson Gao says:

May I know which music you used in this video? Just listening to it makes me feel relaxed.

Maximilian Steeg says:

How do i get these grafics

Ahmad Syafie Jalaluddin says:

i wish i had the creativity needed to build such a beautiful city like this!!! that was soooooo nicee!! i sub!!

BabyRage says:

Sweet Jesus, what an incredibly detailed City. Very cool!!

TheBOOMyouhate says:

Cape cod but big city

Dd S says:

Is this a animation?

José Machacaz says:

is this map on steam?

Yato Kami says:

A beautiful city well done sir

Viresh Gautam says:

Map looks like mumbai

jj tyu says:

You missed the chance to name it bendover

Deaghost YT says:

i liek that its the chaos in the back ground and with the cars, THEY ARE CRASHED EVERYWHERE

TheKobiDror says:

High rising city center skyscrapers but the majority is single-family homes covering the area. All connected by vast stroads. Covering it with a rail network is just the greenwashing this map needed so nobody sees the actual problem of North American city planning. There is just black and white. No multi-story housing, no de-centralized centers where people could do their business locally.

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